Body fat increases and produces estrogents. The hormones produced in the adrenals travel through the bloodstream and into body fat. That’s where the fat cells convert these hormones into estrogens. Estrogens, as you know, fuel breast cancer growth. Both men and women who have more body fat have less of a protein compound called SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) in their blood. SHBG binds estrogen and testosterone, while keeping these hormones inactive and therefore unable to produce cancer. If this issues persists that means these hormones will continue to freely go where they will, increasing the risk of reoccurring and spreading to other parts of the body.
Animal protein is high in fat, including all dairy products, oils, processed foods, fried foods, fast foods, etc.
What flushes it out and help normalize these hormones? Fruits, vegetables, beans and grains!
Processed foods, chemicals and pesticides, hormone-laden animal products and plastic derivatives from packaged foods and bottled water can all promote fat storage. On the other hand, certain plant compounds called flavonoids and indoles serve to modulate estrogen production and fat storage. Onions, garlic and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are high in estrogen-inhibiting compounds. So are red wine, green tea, dark chocolate, bee products, citrus fruits and omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed and salmon.
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I wonder if this may work -
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