My mother was killed in a car crash 6/6/12. She was driving, my father was in the passenger seat. My father has always loved to drive, he can't anymore. He brags that one year he drove across country, from California to Tennessee, over 3,000 miles, twice. Now his eyesight is failing from cataracts and glaucoma. He cannot even read anymore, something else he loved to do.
My mother was killed instantly, my father got a serious cut on his knee. We had a memorial service at the church 6/16/12. She will be cremated this week. She was well loved and will be missed.
I returned to Georgia 6/19/12. Kat, my daughter, picked me up from the Atlanta airport and brought me home to Greensboro. I had left my parakeet, Petie, home alone and was relieved to see that he was doing ok. I had left him plenty of food and water, but I didn't know how long I would be gone, and if it would be enough. He was fine, maybe a little peeved with me for leaving him. They are very social birds.
Before I left I was referred to a surgical oncologist, who suspected a recurrence of the breast cancer, this was the day I left for California (6/7/12), and referred me to a radiologist. The surgeon did a biopsy (6/26/12), should have the results soon. In either case, they want to do radiation treatments beginning 7/10/12. The nurse navigator, at Piedmont, is trying to get me into Hope lodge, please pray.
This isn't suppose to be happening. My mother is also not suppose to be dead. She was healthy, nothing physically wrong with her. Reminds me of a song by Mandessa, He is with you. One line says, 'God, what you do that for?'