Well, I was able to get a wig soon after I lost my hair. Although 'lost hair' may not be accurate because I took my locks and put them in a plastic bag, so I know where they are, they are not 'lost'. The plan is to have them reattached when my hair starts to grow back. This is how I started my locks seven years ago. Two of my daughters discovered how to attach and twist synthetic hair to my little hair by using glue and other maneuvers. It really looked natural, and with a few reattachments, after a year, my locks were at my shoulders, and I missed that awkward phase of getting my locks to 'lock'. I never called them 'dreds' because there was nothing 'dreadful' about my locks. You see it was never a political statement, but a lifestyle decision.
But then again, I may go in an entirely different direction when this is over. Time will tell. I just need to concentrate on finishing chemo, then surgery, followed by radiation therapy.
But overall I have felt ok. I'm old so it's hard to tell if the aches and pains I'm experiencing are due to the chemo or age. Another remarkable side effect is how smooth my skin feels. I guess this is because of the lack of hair plus my skin is dry. But it feels like baby's skin, all over.
I can't complain...